Publications by topic

Search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron

ThO (ACME Collaboration)

  • High-sensitivity low-noise photodetector using a large-area silicon photomultiplier.
    T. Masuda, A. Hiramoto, D. G. Ang, C. Meisenhelder, C. D. Panda, N. Sasao, S. Uetake, X. Wu, D. DeMille, J. M. Doyle, G. Gabrielse, and K. Yoshimura
    Opt.  Express  31,  1943-1957  (2023)

  • Measurement of the H3Δ1 Radiative Lifetime ThO.
    D. G. Ang, C. Meisenhelder, C. D. Panda, X. Wu, D. DeMille, J. M. Doyle, and G. Gabrielse.
    Phys. Rev. A 106, 022808 (2022)
  • Suppression of the optical crosstalk in a multi-channel silicon photomultiplier array
    T. Masuda, D. G. Ang, N. R. Hutzler, C. Meisenhelder, N. Sasao, S. Uetake, X. Wu, D. DeMille, G. Gabrielse, J. M. Doyle, and K. Yoshimura.
    Opt. Express 29, 16914-16926 (2021).
  • The metastable Q 3Δ2 state of ThO: A new resource for the ACME electron EDM search.
    X. Wu, Z. Han, J. Chow, D.G. Ang, C. Meisenhelder, C.D. Panda, E.P. West, G. Gabrielse, J.M. Doyle, and D. DeMille.
    New J. Phys 22, 023013 (2020).
  • Attaining the shot-noise-limit in the ACME measurement of the electron electric dipole moment.
    C.D. Panda, C. Meisenhelder, M. Verma, D.G. Ang, J. Chow, Z. Lasner, X. Wu, D.P. DeMille, J.M. Doyle, and G. Gabrielse.
    J. Phys. B 52, 235003 (2019).
  • Improved limit on the electric dipole moment of the electron. 
    ACME Collaboration (V. Andreev, D. G. Ang, D. DeMille, J. M. Doyle, G. Gabrielse, J. Haefner, N. R. Hutzler, Z. Lasner, C. Meisenhelder, B. R. O’Leary, C. D. Panda, A. D. West, E. P. West, and X. Wu).
    Nature 562, 355 (2018).
  • Statistical sensitivity of phase measurements via laser-induced fluorescence with optical cycling detection.
    Z. Lasner and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 98, 053823 (2018).
  • Methods, Analysis, and the Treatment of Systematic Errors for the Electron Electric Dipole Moment Search in Thorium Monoxide.
    J. BaronW.C. CampbellD. DeMille3J.M. Doyle1G. Gabrielse1Y.V. Gurevich4P.W. Hess5N.R. Hutzler1E. Kirilov6I. Kozyryev1B.R. O’Leary3C.D. Panda1M.F. Parsons1B. Spaun7A.C. Vutha8A.D. West, and E.P. West1 (ACME Collaboration). New J. Phys. 19, 073029 (2017).
  • Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage preparation of a coherent superposition of ThO H 3Δ1 states for an improved electron electric-dipole-moment measurement.
    C. D. Panda, B. R. O’Leary, A. D. West, J. Baron, P. W. Hess, C. Hoffman, E. Kirilov, C. B. Overstreet, E. P. West, D. DeMille, J. M. Doyle, and G. Gabrielse.
    Phys. Rev. A 93, 052110 (2016).​
  • Characterization of the I (|Ω|=1) – X 1Σ+ (0,0) band of thorium oxide.
    D. L. Kokkin, T. C. Steimle, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 91, 042508 (2015).​
  • Branching ratios and radiative lifetimes of the UL, and states of thorium oxide.
    D. L. Kokkin, T. C. Steimle, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 90, 062503 (2014).
  • Zeeman interaction in ThO H 3Δ1 for the electron EDM search.
    A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, N.R. Hutzler, P.W. Hess, B.R. O’Leary, B. Spaun, D. DeMille, G. Gabrielse, and J.M. Doyle.
    Phys. Rev. A 89, 062505 (2014).
  • Order of Magnitude Smaller Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron.
    The ACME Collaboration, J. Baron et al.
    Science 343, 269 (2014).
  • Shot-noise-limited spin measurements in a pulsed molecular beam.
    E. Kirilov, W. C. Campbell, J. M. Doyle, G. Gabrielse, Y. V. Gurevich, P. W. Hess, N. R. Hutzler, B. R. O’Leary, E. Petrik, B. Spaun, A. C. Vutha, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 88, 013844 (2013).
  • Magnetic and electric dipole moments of the H 3Δ1 state in ThO.
    A. C. Vutha, B. Spaun, Y. V. Gurevich, N. R. Hutzler, E. Kirilov, J. M. Doyle, G. Gabrielse, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 84, 034502 (2011).
  • A cryogenic beam of refractory, chemically reactive molecules with expansion cooling.
    N. R. Hutzler, M. F. Parsons, Y. V. Gurevich, P. W. Hess, E. Petrik, B. Spaun, A. C. Vutha, D. DeMille, G. Gabrielse, and J. M. Doyle.
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 18976-18985 (2011).
  • Search for the electric dipole moment of the electron with thorium monoxide.
    A. C. Vutha, W. C. Campbell, Y. V. Gurevich, N. R. Hutzler, M. Parsons, D. Patterson, E. Petrik, B. Spaun, J. M. Doyle, G. Gabrielse, and D. DeMille.
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 074007 (2010).


  • Search for the electron electric dipole moment using Ω-doublet levels in PbO.
    S. Eckel, P. Hamilton, E. Kirilov, H. W. Smith, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 87, 052130 (2013).
  • Preparation and detection of states with simultaneous spin alignment and molecular orientation in PbO.
    S. Bickman, P. Hamilton, Y. Jiang, D. DeMille.
    Phys Rev. A 80, 023418 (2009).
  • P,T-parity violation effects in polar heavy-atom molecules. 
    A. V. Titov, N. S. Mosyagin, A. N. Petrov, T. A. Isaev, and D. DeMille.
    Recent Advances in the Theory of Chemical and Physical Systems, Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, Volume 15, II, 253-283 (2006).
  • Large-Area, Low-Noise, High Speed, Photodiode-Based Fluorescence Detectors with Fast Overdrive Recovery.
    S. Bickman and D. DeMille.
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 113101 (2005).
  • Stark-modulation spectroscopy of the B(1) [3Π] state of PbO.
    D. Kawall, Y. Gurevich, C. Cheung, S. Bickman, Y. Jiang, and D. DeMille.
    Phys Rev. A 72, 064501 (2005).
  • Configuration interaction calculation of hyperfine and P,T-odd constants on 207PbO excited states for electron electric-dipole-moment experiments.
    A. N. Petrov, A. V. Titov, T. A. Isaev, N. S. Mosyagin, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 72, 022505 (2005).
  • Precision Zeeman-Stark spectroscopy of the metastable a(1) [3Σ+] state of PbO.
    D. Kawall, F. Bay, S. Bickman, Y. Jiang and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 133007 (2004).
  • Enhancement of the electric dipole moment of the electron in PbO.
    M. Kozlov and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 133001 (2002).
  • Detailed spectroscopy of the a(1) [3Σ+] state of PbO.
    L. R. Hunter, S. E. Maxwell, K. A. Ulmer, N. D. Charney, S. K. Peck, D. Krause, Jr., S. Ter-Avetisyan, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 65, 030501 (2002).
  • Search for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron Using Metastable PbO.
    D. DeMille, F. Bay, S. Bickman, D. Kawall, L. Hunter, D. Krause, Jr., S. Maxwell, and K. Ulmer.
    Art and Symmetry in Experimental Physics: Festschrift for Eugene Commins, ed. D. Budker, P. Bucksbaum, and S. Freedman, AIP Conf. Pub., 2001.
  • Investigation of PbO as a system for measuring the electric dipole moment of the electron.
    D. DeMille, F. Bay, S. Bickman, D. Kawall, D. Krause, Jr., S. E. Maxwell, and L. R. Hunter.
    Phys. Rev. A 61, 052507 (2000).

Assembly of ultracold molecules from laser-cooled atoms

  • Theoretical Aspects of Radium-Containing Molecules Amenable to Assembly from Laser-Cooled Atoms for New Physics Searches
    T. Fleig and D. DeMille.
    New J. Phys, 23, 113039 (2021).
  • Continuous production of rovibronic-ground-state RbCs molecules via short-range photoassociation to the b3Π1—c3Σ+1—B1Π1 states.
    T. Shimasaki, J.-T. Kim, Y. Zhu, and D. DeMille.  
    Phys. Rev. A 98, 043423 (2018).
  • Production of RbCs Molecules in the Rovibronic Ground State via Short-Range Photoassociation to the 2 1Π1, 2 3Π1, and 3 3Σ1+ States.
    T. Shimasaki, Jin-Tae Kim, and D. DeMille.
    ChemPhysChem 17 (22), 3677–3682 (2016).
  • Production of rovibronic-ground-state RbCs molecules via two-photon-cascade decay.
    T. Shimasaki, M. Bellos, C. D. Bruzewicz, Z. Lasner, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 91, 021401 (2015).
  • Continuous formation of vibronic ground state RbCs molecules via photoassociation.
    C. D. Bruzewicz, M. Gustavsson, T. Shimasaki, and D DeMille.
    New J. Phys. 16, 023018 (2014).
  • Inelastic Collisions of Ultracold Heteronuclear Molecules in an Optical Trap.
    E. R. Hudson, N. B. Gilfoy, S. Kotochigova, J. M. Sage, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 203201 (2008).
  • Optical production of ultracold polar molecules.
    J. Sage, S. Sainis, T. Bergeman, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 203001 (2005).
  • Prospects for production of ultracold X [1Σ+] RbCs molecules.
    T. Bergeman, A. J. Kerman, J. Sage, S. Sainis and D. DeMille.
    Eur. Phys. J. D 31, 179 (2004).
  • Production and State-Selective Detection of Ultracold RbCs Molecules.
    A. J. Kerman, J. M. Sage, S. Sainis, T. Bergeman, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 153001 (2004).
  • Production of ultracold, polar RbCs* molecules via photoassociation.
    A. J. Kerman, J. M. Sage, S. Sainis, T. Bergeman, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 033004 (2004).

Probing new physics via nuclear spin-dependent parity violation

  • Using parity-nonconserving spin-spin coupling to measure the Tl nuclear anapole in a TlF molecular beam
    J. W. Blanchard, D. Budker, D. DeMille, M. G. Kozlov, and L. V. Skripnikov.
    Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013191 (2023)
  • Demonstration of a Sensitive Method to Measure Nuclear Spin Dependent Parity Violation. 
    E. Altuntas, J. Ammon, S. B. Cahn, and D. DeMille. 
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 142501 (2018).
  • Measuring Nuclear Spin Dependent Parity Violation With Molecules: Experimental Methods and Analysis of Systematic Errors. 
    E. Altuntas, J. Ammon, S. B. Cahn, and D. DeMille. 
    Phys. Rev. A 97, 042101 (2018).
  • Zeeman-Tuned Rotational Level-Crossing Spectroscopy in a Diatomic Free Radical.
    S. B. Cahn, J. Ammon, E. Kirilov, Y. V. Gurevich, D. Murphree, R. Paolino, D. A. Rahmlow, M. G. Kozlov, and D. DeMille. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 163002 (2014).
  • Molecular-beam optical Stark and Zeeman study of the A 2Π–X 2Σ+ (0,0) band system of BaF.
    T. C. Steimle, S. Frey, A. Le, D. DeMille, D. A. Rahmlow, and C. Linton.
    Phys. Rev. A 84, 012508 (2011).
  • Using Molecules to Measure Nuclear Spin-Dependent Parity Violation.
    D. DeMille, S. B. Cahn, D. Murphree, D. A. Rahmlow, and M. G. Kozlov.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 023003 (2008).
  • Measurement method for the nuclear anapole moment of laser trapped alkali atoms.
    E. Gomez, S. Aubin, G. D. Sprouse, L. A. Orozco, D. P. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 75, 033418 (2007).

Search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the proton

  • CeNTREX: A new search for time-reversal symmetry violation in the 205Tl nucleus.
    O. Grasdijk, O. Timgren, J. Kastelic, T. H. Wright, S. Lamoreaux, D. DeMille, K. Wenz, M. Aitken, T. Zelevinsky, T. Winick, and D. Kawall.
    Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 044007 (2021)
  • Measurement of the Molecular Dipole Moment and the Hyperfine and Omega Doublet Splittings of the B 3Π1 state of Thallium Fluoride.
    N. B. Clayburn, T. H. Wright, E. B. Norrgard, D. DeMille, and L. R. Hunter.
    Phys. Rev. A 102, 052802 (2020).
  • Hyperfine structure of the B 3Π1 state and predictions of optical cycling behavior in the X→B transition of TlF.
    E. B. Norrgard, E. R. Edwards, D. J. McCarron, M. H. Steinecker, D. DeMille, Shah Saad Alam, S. K. Peck, N. S. Wadia, and L. R. Hunter.
    Phys. Rev. A 95, 062506 (2017).​
  • Time-Reversal Symmetry Violation in Molecules Induced by Nuclear Magnetic Quadrupole Moments.
    V. V. Flambaum, D. DeMille, and M. G. Kozlov.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 103003 (2014).
  • Prospects for laser cooling TlF.
    L. R. Hunter, S. K. Peck, A. S. Greenspon, S. Saad Alam, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 85, 012511 (2012).

Direct laser cooling and trapping of diatomic molecules

Quantum computation with trapped molecules

Other Topics

Reviews and news

Variation of fundamental constants

  • Detailed spectroscopy of the Cs2 a3Σu+ state and implications for measurements sensitive to variation of the electron-proton mass ratio.
    S. Sainis, J. Sage, E. Tiesinga, S. Kotochigova, T. Bergeman, and D. DeMille.
    Phys. Rev. A 86, 022513 (2012)
  • Enhanced sensitivity to variation of me/mp in molecular spectra.
    D. DeMille, S. Sainis, J. Sage, T. Bergeman, S. Kotochigova, and E. Tiesinga.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 043202 (2008)

Solid state/nuclear optical clock

  • Optical spectroscopy of an atomic nucleus: Progress toward direct observation of the 229Th isomer transition.
    M. P. Hehlen, R. R. Greco, W. G. Rellergert, S. T. Sullivan, D. DeMille, R. A. Jackson, E. R. Hudson, and J. R. Torgerson.
    J. of Luminescence, 133, 91 (2013)
  • Constraining the Evolution of the Fundamental Constants with a Solid-State Optical Frequency Reference Based on the 229Th Nucleus.
    W. G. Rellergert, D. DeMille, R. R. Greco, M. P. Hehlen, J. R. Torgerson, and E. R. Hudson
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 200802 (2010)
  • Progress towards fabrication of 229Th-doped high energy band-gap crystals for use as a solid-state optical frequency reference.
    W. G. Rellergert, S. T. Sullivan, D. DeMille, R. R. Greco, M. P. Hehlen, R. A. Jackson, J. R. Torgerson and E. R Hudson.
    IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 15 012005 (2010)
  • Computer modelling of thorium doping in LiCaAlF6 and LiSrAlF6: application to the development of solid state optical frequency devices.
    R. A. Jackson, J. B. Amaral, M. E. G. Valerio, D. P. DeMille and E. R. Hudson.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 325403 (2009)

Tests for small violations of Bose statistics with photons

  • How We Know That Photons Are Bosons: Experimental Tests of Spin-Statistics for Photons.
    D. DeMille, D. Budker, N. Derr, and E. Deveney.
    Spin-Statistics Connection and Commutation Relations: Experimental Tests and Theoretical Implications, ed. R. Hilborn and G. Tino, AIP Conf. Pub. 545, 247 (2000).
  • Search for exchange-antisymmetric two-photon states.
    D. DeMille, D. Budker, N. Derr, and E. Deveney.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (20), 3978 (1999).

Geometric phase

  • Geometric phases without geometry.
    A. Vutha and D. DeMille.

Technical papers

  • Frequency-doubled Nd:YAG MOPA laser system with programmable rectangular pulses up to 200 microseconds
    M. Beyer, J. C. Roth, E. Edwards, and D. DeMille.

    Opt. Express 29, 20370-20378 (2021).
  • Injection-locking of a fiber-pigtailed laser to an external cavity diode laser via fiber optic circulator. 
    T. Shimasaki, E.R. Edwards, and D. DeMille. 
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 056102 (2019).
  • In-vacuum scattered light reduction with black cupric oxide surfaces for sensitive fluorescence detection.
    E. B. Norrgard, N. Sitaraman, J. F. Barry, D. J. McCarron, M. H. Steinecker, and D. DeMille.
    Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 053119 (2016)
  • A low-cost, FPGA-based servo controller with lock-in amplifier.
    G. Yang, J. F. Barry, E. S. Shuman, M. H. Steinecker and D. DeMille.
    JINST 7 (10), P10026 (2012)
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